id The unique id for the given total. This id explains what the total represents. Here are the available totals.
CntBuddhistPeopGroups Count of People Groups with Primary Religion Buddhist
CntChristianPeopGroups Count of People Groups with Primary Religion Christian
CntContinents Count of Continents
CntCountries Count of Countries
CntCountries1040 Count of Countries in the 10/40 Window.
CntCountriesLR Count of Countries considered Unreached using 2% / 5% rule.
CntCtryChristian Count of Countries with Primary Religion Christian
CntHinduPeopGroups Count of People Groups with Primary Religion Hindu
CntLangJesusFilm Count of Languages that have the Jesus Film
CntLangNoResources Count of Languages with no reported resources e.g. Bible, stories, app, training
CntLangPortions Count of Languages with Bible Portions
CntLangRecordings Count of Languages with Audio Recordings
CntMuslimPeopGroups Count of People Groups with Primary Religion Muslim
CntPCLR Count of People Clusters considered Unreached using 2% / 5% rule.
CntPeopCtry Count of People Groups using PGIC perspective
CntPeopCtry1040 Count of People Groups in the 10/40 Window
CntPeopCtryFrontier Count of People Groups considered Frontier using 0.1% and no movement rule
CntPeopCtryGreat50KLR Count of People Groups greater than 50K population considered unreached
CntPeopCtryLR Count of People Groups considered Unreached
CntPeopCtryLR1040 Count of People Groups in the 10/40 Window considered Unreached
CntPeopleID1 Count of Affinity Blocs
CntPeopleID2 Count of People Clusters
CntPeopleID3 Count of People Groups Across Countries (PGAC)
CntPGACLR Count of People Groups Across Countries (PGAC) considered Unreached using 2% / 5% rule
CntRegions Count of Regions
CntTotalLanguages Count of Languages
CntWorkersNeeded Count of Workers Needed
PoplPeopCtry Summation of all People Group populations i.e. World Population
PoplPeopCtry1040 Population of People Groups in the 10/40 Window
PoplPeopCtryFrontier Population of People Groups considered Unreached Frontier
PoplPeopCtryLR Population of People Groups considered Unreached
PoplPeopCtryLR1040 Population of People Groups considered Unreached in the 10/40 Window
WorldChristianPct Global Percent Christian Adherent
WorldEvangelicalPct Global Percent Evangelical
Value The total for the given id.
RoundPrecision The rounding precision.