AudioRecordings DEPRECATED You can use HasAudioRecordings field. Will be removed June 16, 2025.
BibleStatus The current status of translation of the Bilbe in this langauge.
Bible The year this language's Bible was completed.
GRN_URL Global Recording Network's URL for resources in this language.
HasAudioRecordings Does this language have access to an audio recorded Bible?
HasJesusFilm Is the Jesus Film available in this language?
HubCountry The main concentration of this language.
JF DEPRECATED You can use HasJesusFilm field. Will be removed June 16, 2025.
JF_URL The URL for this language's Jesus Film.
JPScale Joshua Project Progress Scale for this language, derived from the people group data who speak this language.
Language The name of this language.
LeastReached Is this language considered unreached, derived from the people group data who speak this language?
NbrCountries Estimated number of countries this language is spoken in.
NbrPGICs Number of people groups speaking this language.
NTYear The year the translation of the New Testament was completed in this language.
PercentAdherents Percent of people in this language who are Christian Adherents.
PercentEvangelical Percent of people in this language who are Evangelical.
PortionsYear The year that the portions of the Bible was completed in this language.
PrimaryReligion Primary religion (text) for this language [1 - Christianity, 2 - Buddhism, 4 - Ethnic Religions, 5 - Hinduism, 6 - Islam, 7 - Non-Religious, 8 - Other/Small, 9 - Unknown]
RLG3 Primary religion (number) of the people group in this language [1 - Christianity, 2 - Buddhism, 4 - Ethnic Religions, 5 - Hinduism, 6 - Islam, 7 - Non-Religious, 8 - Other/Small, 9 - Unknown]
ROG3 HIS Registry of Geography (ROG) country code, similar to 2 letter ISO language code.
ROL3 The ISO 3 Letter Code for this language.
Status Language status [L - Living, E - Extinct, N - Nearly extinct, H - Historical, A - Ancient, C - Constructed].
TranslationNeedQuestionable Is the need for Bible translation questionable?
WebLangText Language text display.