AffinityBloc Affinity bloc name.
CntFPG The total number of People Groups in Countries (PGIC) that are frontier unreached.
CntPGIC The total number of countries where People Groups in Countries (PGIC) reside.
CntUPG The total number of People Groups in Countries (PGIC) that are unreached.
CtryLargest Country name for country with the largest population of this ethnicity.
FrontierPGAC Is this ethnicity as a whole considered frontier unreached?
JPScalePGAC Joshua Project Progress Scale at People Groups Across Countries (PGAC) level.
LeastReachedPGAC Is this ethnicity as a whole considered unreached?
PeopleCluster People Cluster name.
PeopleID1 Affinity bloc code.
PeopleID2 People cluster code.
PeopleID3 Unique ethnicity code.
PeopleName General people name across all countries.
PercentChristianPGAC Percent Christian Adherent of this ethnicity.
PercentEvangelicalPGAC Percent Evangelical of this ethnicity.
PopulationPGAC Total ethnicity population.
PrimaryLanguagePGAC Primary language name of this ethnicity.
PrimaryReligionPGAC Primary religion name of this ethnicity.
RLG3PGAC Primary religion code of this ethnicity. [1 - Christianity, 2 - Buddhism, 4 - Ethnic Religions, 5 - Hinduism, 6 - Islam, 7 - Non-Religious, 8 - Other/Small, 9 - Unknown]
ROG3Largest Country code for country with the largest population of this ethnicity.
ROL3PGAC Primary language code of this ethnicity.
ROP25 Ethnic Kinship code.
ROP25Name Ethnic Kinship name.
ROP3 Registry of Peoples ID.