BibleComplete Of the total Primary Languages (CntPrimaryLanguages), how many of them have a Bible Status of Complete Bible.
BibleNewTestament Of the total Primary Languages (CntPrimaryLanguages), how many of them have a Bible Status of New Testament.
BiblePortions Of the total Primary Languages (CntPrimaryLanguages), how many of them have a Bible Status of Portions.
Capital Name of Capital City
CntPeoples Total Number of People Groups
CntPeoplesLR Total Number of Unreached People Groups
CntPrimaryLanguages The total number of primary languages in the country.
Ctry Name of Country
ISO2 ISO 2 character code for country
ISO3 ISO 3 character code for country
JPScaleCtry Joshua Project Progress Scale for this country, derived from the people group data in this country.
PctChristianDoublyProfessing Percent of people in this country who are Doubly Professing Christians
PercentBuddhism Percent of people in this country who are Buddhist
PercentChristianity Percent of people in this country who are Christians
PercentEthnicReligions Percent of people in this country who practice Ethnic Religions
PercentEvangelical Percent of people in this country who are Evangelical
PercentHinduism Percent of people in this country who are Hindu
PercentIslam Percent of people in this country who are Muslim
PercentNonReligious Percent of people in this country who are Non-Religious
PercentOtherSmall Percent of people in this country who practice Other or Smaller Religions
PercentUnknown Percent of people in this country who's religious background is unknown
Population Country Population
PoplPeoplesFPG Total population living in frontier people groups of the country.
PoplPeoplesLR Total population living in unreached people groups of the country.
PrimaryReligion Primary religion for this country [1 - Christianity, 2 - Buddhism, 4 - Ethnic Religions, 5 - Hinduism, 6 - Islam, 7 - Non-Religious, 8 - Other/Small, 9 - Unknown]
RegionCode Region code for this country [1 - South Pacific, 2 - Southeast Asia, 3 - Northeast Asia, 4 - South Asia, 5 - Central Asia, 6 - Middle East and North Africa, 7 - East and Southern Africa, 8 - West and Central Africa, 9 - Eastern Europe and Eurasia, 10 - Western Europe, 11 - Central and South America, 12 - North America and Caribbean]
RegionName The Region's Name
ReligionPrimary The text of the primary religion
RLG3Primary Primary religion of the people group in this country [1 - Christianity, 2 - Buddhism, 4 - Ethnic Religions, 5 - Hinduism, 6 - Islam, 7 - Non-Religious, 8 - Other/Small, 9 - Unknown]
ROG2 HIS Registry of Geography (ROG) continent code
ROG3 HIS Registry of Geography (ROG) country code, similar to 2 letter ISO country code
ROL3OfficialLanguage The ISO 3 Letter Code for the Official language of country
SecurityLevel 0 = no security concerns; 1 = moderate security concerns, 2 = high security concerns
TranslationNeeded Of the total Primary Languages (CntPrimaryLanguages), how many of them have a Bible Status of Translation Needed.
TranslationStarted Of the total Primary Languages (CntPrimaryLanguages), how many of them have a Bible Status of Translation Started.
TranslationUnspecified Of the total Primary Languages (CntPrimaryLanguages), how many of them have a Bible Status of Unspecified.
Window1040 Is this country in the 1040 Window?