AffinityBloc Affinity Bloc
AudioRecordings DEPRECATED You can use HasAudioRecordings field. Will be removed June 16, 2025.
HasAudioRecordings Gospel audio recordings exist in this language?
BibleStatus The current Bible status:
  • 0 = Unspecified
  • 1 = Translation needed
  • 2 = Translation started
  • 3 = Portions
  • 4 = New Testament
  • 5 = Complete Bible
BibleYear Year of complete Bible availability
Category Relationship between people groups and languages. Contact Joshua Project for meaning.
Continent Continent
CountOfCountries Number of countries this people group live in.
CountOfProvinces Number of provinces this people group live in.
Ctry Country name
Frontier Is this group considered a Frontier Unreached People Group? Learn more here
GSEC Global Status of Evangelical Christianity, see
HasJesusFilm Does the people group have access to the Jesus Film?
HowReach Some suggestions on how to reach this people group with the Gospel.
IndigenousCode Is this group indigenous to this country?
ISO3 International Standards Organization country code
JF DEPRECATED You can use HasJesusFilm field. Will be removed June 16, 2025.
JPScale Joshua Project Progress Scale for this people group.
JPScalePC Joshua Project Progress Scale for People Cluster.
JPScalePGAC Joshua Project Progress Scale for this people group across all countries.
Latitude Latitude value of language polygon or highest density district centroid, for Google maps colored dots
LeastReached Is this people group considered least-reached / unreached? [JPScale < 2.0]
LeastReachedPC Is People Cluster considered least-reached / unreached? [JPScale < 2.0]
LeastReachedPGAC Is this people group across all countries considered least-reached / unreached? [JPScale < 2.0]
LocationInCountry Location of people within the country
Longitude Longitude value of language polygon or highest density district centroid, for Google maps colored dots
LRofTheDayDay Unreached People of the Day day 1-31
LRofTheDayMonth Unreached People of the Day month 1-12
LRofTheDaySet Unreached People of the Day set 1 or 2
LRTop100 Are they in top 100 of least-reached?
LRWebProfile Does an Unreached People of the Day profile exist?
MapAddress Map filename
MapCredits Map source, text for credits display
MapCreditURL Map source link, hyperlink for credits display
MapCopyright Is the map copyrighted? NOTE: It can return an empty string.
MapCCVersionText If the map is licensed under Creative Commons, this provides the name of the version of Creative Commons
MapCCVersionURL If the map is licensed under Creative Commons, this provides the URL for the version of Creative Commons
NaturalName The PeopNameAcrossCountries presented in a more display friendly way.
NaturalPronunciation The pronunciation of the natural name.
NTOnline Does have an online NT?
NTYear Year of New Testament availability
NumberLanguagesSpoken Number of languages spoken by this people group in this country
Obstacles Describes obstacles in ministry to this people group.
OfficialLang Official language name
PercentAdherents Percent of people in group who are Christian Adherents
PercentAdherentsPC Percent of people in group who are Christian Adherents in this people cluster
PercentAdherentsPGAC Percent of people in group who are Christian Adherents in all people groups across all countries
PCBuddhism Percent of people in group who are Buddhist
PCEthnicReligions Percent of people in group who practice Ethnic Religions
PercentAdherentsPGAC Percent of people in group who are Christian Adherents in all people groups across all countries
PercentEvangelical Percent of people in group who are Evangelical
PercentEvangelicalPC Percent of people in group who are Evangelicals in this people cluster
PercentEvangelicalPGAC Percent of people in group who are Evangelicals in all people groups across all countries
PCHinduism Percent of people in group who are Hindu
PCIslam Percent of people in group who are Muslim
PCNonReligious Percent of people in group who are Non-religious
PCOtherSmall Percent of people in group who practice Other or Smaller Religions
PCUnknown Percent of people in group who's religious background is unknown
PeopleCluster People cluster
PeopleID1 Affinity Bloc code
PeopleID2 People cluster code
PeopleID3 People-Group-Across-Countries ID number
PeopleID3ROG3 An ID created by concatenating the PeopleID3 (People code) and ROG3 (Country code). This provides an ID for a specific people group in a specific country.
PeopleGroupMapURL The full URL for the people group's map
PeopleGroupMapExpandedURL The full URL for the people group's expanded map (NOTE: This is normally a PDF file)
PeopleGroupPhotoURL The full URL for the people group's photo
PeopNameAcrossCountries Name of people group across countries of residence
PeopNameInCountry Name of people group in this country
PCEvangelicalPC Percent of people in group who are Evangelical in this people cluster
PCEvangelicalPGAC Percent of people in group who are Evangelical in all people groups across all countries
PhotoAddress Photo file name
PhotoCCVersionText If the photo is licensed under Creative Commons (see PhotoCreativeCommons), this provides the name of the version of Creative Commons
PhotoCCVersionURL If the photo is licensed under Creative Commons (see PhotoCreativeCommons), this provides the URL for the version of Creative Commons
PhotoCopyright Is photo copyrighted?
PhotoCreativeCommons Does photo have creative commons licensing?
PhotoCredits Photo source, text for credits display
PhotoCreditURL Photo source link, hyperlink for credits display
PhotoPermission Does Joshua Project have permission to use this photo?
Population Population of people group in the given country
PopulationPGAC The total global population of the people group
PortionsYear Year of scripture portions availability
PrayForChurch Suggested prayers for the church among this people group.
PrayForPG Suggested prayers for the specific people group.
PrimaryLanguageDialect Primary language dialect in this country
PrimaryLanguageName Primary language of the people group in this country
PrimaryReligion Primary religion of the people group in this country [1 - Christianity, 2 - Buddhism, 4 - Ethnic Religions, 5 - Hinduism, 6 - Islam, 7 - Non-Religious, 8 - Other/Small, 9 - Unknown]
PrimaryReligionPC Primary religion of the peole group in this people cluster
PrimaryReligionPGAC Primary religion of the people group in all people groups across all countries
ProfileTextExists Does profile text exist for this people group?
RegionCode Region code for this people group [1 - South Pacific, 2 - Southeast Asia, 3 - Northeast Asia, 4 - South Asia, 5 - Central Asia, 6 - Middle East and North Africa, 7 - East and Southern Africa, 8 - West and Central Africa, 9 - Eastern Europe and Eurasia, 10 - Western Europe, 11 - Central and South America, 12 - North America and Caribbean]
RegionName Region name
ReligionSubdivision Subdivision of the primary religion
RLG3 Primary religion code
RLG3PC Primary Religion Code of the peole group in this people cluster
RLG3PGAC Primary Religion Code of the people group in all people groups across all countries
RLG4 Religion subdivision code
ROG2 HIS Registry of Geography (ROG) continent code
ROG3 HIS Registry of Geography (ROG) country code, similar to 2 letter ISO country code
ROL3 Ethnologue language code, 17th Edition
ROP1 Registry of Peoples - affinity bloc code
ROP2 Registry of Peoples - people cluster code
ROP3 Registry of Peoples - people group code
SecurityLevel 0=Open, 1=Moderate security concerns, 2= Significant security concerns
SpeakNationalLang Does this group speak the national language?
Summary A brief description about the people group. If you display on your website, please add a Read More link that connects back to our website.
TranslationNeedQuestionable Is the need for translation in this language questionable?
Window1040 Does this people group live in the 1040 Window?