To learn more about People Groups Across Countries (PGAC) and People Groups in Countries (PGIC), please read the following article.
AffinityBloc | Affinity Bloc |
AudioRecordings | DEPRECATED You can use HasAudioRecordings field. Will be removed June 16, 2025. |
HasAudioRecordings | Gospel audio recordings exist in this language? |
BibleStatus |
The current Bible status:
BibleYear | Year of complete Bible availability |
Category | Relationship between people groups and languages. Contact Joshua Project for meaning. |
Continent | Continent |
CountOfCountries | Number of countries this people group live in. |
CountOfProvinces | Number of provinces this people group live in. |
Ctry | Country name |
Frontier | Is this group considered a Frontier Unreached People Group? Learn more here |
GSEC | Global Status of Evangelical Christianity, see |
HasJesusFilm | Does the people group have access to the Jesus Film? |
HowReach | Some suggestions on how to reach this people group with the Gospel. |
IndigenousCode | Is this group indigenous to this country? |
ISO3 | International Standards Organization country code |
JF | DEPRECATED You can use HasJesusFilm field. Will be removed June 16, 2025. |
JPScale | Joshua Project Progress Scale for this people group. |
JPScalePC | Joshua Project Progress Scale for People Cluster. |
JPScalePGAC | Joshua Project Progress Scale for this people group across all countries. |
Latitude | Latitude value of language polygon or highest density district centroid, for Google maps colored dots |
LeastReached | Is this people group considered least-reached / unreached? [JPScale < 2.0] |
LeastReachedPC | Is People Cluster considered least-reached / unreached? [JPScale < 2.0] |
LeastReachedPGAC | Is this people group across all countries considered least-reached / unreached? [JPScale < 2.0] |
LocationInCountry | Location of people within the country |
Longitude | Longitude value of language polygon or highest density district centroid, for Google maps colored dots |
LRofTheDayDay | Unreached People of the Day day 1-31 |
LRofTheDayMonth | Unreached People of the Day month 1-12 |
LRofTheDaySet | Unreached People of the Day set 1 or 2 |
LRTop100 | Are they in top 100 of least-reached? |
LRWebProfile | Does an Unreached People of the Day profile exist? |
MapAddress | Map filename |
MapCredits | Map source, text for credits display |
MapCreditURL | Map source link, hyperlink for credits display |
MapCopyright | Is the map copyrighted? NOTE: It can return an empty string. |
MapCCVersionText | If the map is licensed under Creative Commons, this provides the name of the version of Creative Commons |
MapCCVersionURL | If the map is licensed under Creative Commons, this provides the URL for the version of Creative Commons |
NaturalName | The PeopNameAcrossCountries presented in a more display friendly way. |
NaturalPronunciation | The pronunciation of the natural name. |
NTOnline | Does have an online NT? |
NTYear | Year of New Testament availability |
NumberLanguagesSpoken | Number of languages spoken by this people group in this country |
Obstacles | Describes obstacles in ministry to this people group. |
OfficialLang | Official language name |
PercentAdherents | Percent of people in group who are Christian Adherents |
PercentAdherentsPC | Percent of people in group who are Christian Adherents in this people cluster |
PercentAdherentsPGAC | Percent of people in group who are Christian Adherents in all people groups across all countries |
PCBuddhism | Percent of people in group who are Buddhist |
PCEthnicReligions | Percent of people in group who practice Ethnic Religions |
PercentAdherentsPGAC | Percent of people in group who are Christian Adherents in all people groups across all countries |
PercentEvangelical | Percent of people in group who are Evangelical |
PercentEvangelicalPC | Percent of people in group who are Evangelicals in this people cluster |
PercentEvangelicalPGAC | Percent of people in group who are Evangelicals in all people groups across all countries |
PCHinduism | Percent of people in group who are Hindu |
PCIslam | Percent of people in group who are Muslim |
PCNonReligious | Percent of people in group who are Non-religious |
PCOtherSmall | Percent of people in group who practice Other or Smaller Religions |
PCUnknown | Percent of people in group who's religious background is unknown |
PeopleCluster | People cluster |
PeopleID1 | Affinity Bloc code |
PeopleID2 | People cluster code |
PeopleID3 | People-Group-Across-Countries ID number |
PeopleID3ROG3 | An ID created by concatenating the PeopleID3 (People code) and ROG3 (Country code). This provides an ID for a specific people group in a specific country. |
PeopleGroupMapURL | The full URL for the people group's map |
PeopleGroupMapExpandedURL | The full URL for the people group's expanded map (NOTE: This is normally a PDF file) |
PeopleGroupPhotoURL | The full URL for the people group's photo |
PeopNameAcrossCountries | Name of people group across countries of residence |
PeopNameInCountry | Name of people group in this country |
PCEvangelicalPC | Percent of people in group who are Evangelical in this people cluster |
PCEvangelicalPGAC | Percent of people in group who are Evangelical in all people groups across all countries |
PhotoAddress | Photo file name |
PhotoCCVersionText | If the photo is licensed under Creative Commons (see PhotoCreativeCommons), this provides the name of the version of Creative Commons |
PhotoCCVersionURL | If the photo is licensed under Creative Commons (see PhotoCreativeCommons), this provides the URL for the version of Creative Commons |
PhotoCopyright | Is photo copyrighted? |
PhotoCreativeCommons | Does photo have creative commons licensing? |
PhotoCredits | Photo source, text for credits display |
PhotoCreditURL | Photo source link, hyperlink for credits display |
PhotoPermission | Does Joshua Project have permission to use this photo? |
Population | Population of people group in the given country |
PopulationPGAC | The total global population of the people group |
PortionsYear | Year of scripture portions availability |
PrayForChurch | Suggested prayers for the church among this people group. |
PrayForPG | Suggested prayers for the specific people group. |
PrimaryLanguageDialect | Primary language dialect in this country |
PrimaryLanguageName | Primary language of the people group in this country |
PrimaryReligion | Primary religion of the people group in this country [1 - Christianity, 2 - Buddhism, 4 - Ethnic Religions, 5 - Hinduism, 6 - Islam, 7 - Non-Religious, 8 - Other/Small, 9 - Unknown] |
PrimaryReligionPC | Primary religion of the peole group in this people cluster |
PrimaryReligionPGAC | Primary religion of the people group in all people groups across all countries |
ProfileTextExists | Does profile text exist for this people group? |
RegionCode | Region code for this people group [1 - South Pacific, 2 - Southeast Asia, 3 - Northeast Asia, 4 - South Asia, 5 - Central Asia, 6 - Middle East and North Africa, 7 - East and Southern Africa, 8 - West and Central Africa, 9 - Eastern Europe and Eurasia, 10 - Western Europe, 11 - Central and South America, 12 - North America and Caribbean] |
RegionName | Region name |
ReligionSubdivision | Subdivision of the primary religion |
RLG3 | Primary religion code |
RLG3PC | Primary Religion Code of the peole group in this people cluster |
RLG3PGAC | Primary Religion Code of the people group in all people groups across all countries |
RLG4 | Religion subdivision code |
ROG2 | HIS Registry of Geography (ROG) continent code |
ROG3 | HIS Registry of Geography (ROG) country code, similar to 2 letter ISO country code |
ROL3 | Ethnologue language code, 17th Edition |
ROP1 | Registry of Peoples - affinity bloc code |
ROP2 | Registry of Peoples - people cluster code |
ROP3 | Registry of Peoples - people group code |
SecurityLevel | 0=Open, 1=Moderate security concerns, 2= Significant security concerns |
SpeakNationalLang | Does this group speak the national language? |
Summary | A brief description about the people group. If you display on your website, please add a Read More link that connects back to our website. |
TranslationNeedQuestionable | Is the need for translation in this language questionable? |
Window1040 | Does this people group live in the 1040 Window? |